The Discrimination That Might Be Lurking...

How to Avoid the Performance Review that Backfires into a Discrimination Lawsuit

(Coach Z, the track coach who is suing Hunter College for age discrimination)

When I read about the 88-year-old track coach who is suing Hunter College for age discrimination, I did a double take. I'll even admit that I even chuckled. However, after learning more about the performance evaluation that led to his job loss, I knew that this was no laughing matter.  A universal truth is that no one wants their hard work to be overlooked or maligned.

Click here to read more about the costly mistakes that most employers make when conducting performance reviews that can lead to lawsuits, damage to the employer's reputation, and the evisceration of employees' trust. And, read my tips for spotting and avoiding these pitfalls.

As usual, I look forward to receiving your feedback, so feel free to click "reply."


Natalie Holder



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